Friday, August 21, 2009

NOW: gratidute challenge d4

So, today's gratitude challenge is to write in my journal a short message of thanks for some of the "negative" things in my life .. something that i learned or grew from..


hmmmm... still thinking of what to write.. i luv my new journal.. i guess i'll write about... geez, somethin negative?!

ok, so, last week when my fiance and i got into a fight over "beer" for the camptrip.. he does not drink a drop and i drink socially.. so, since i'm wanted to organize a camping trip for my friends/coworkers and him, i decided to make everyone happy.. several requested for beer, and of course u have to have some beer with ur burger and dogs at a camping trip right? so, i decided to include it on our list when i go shop with him at costco.. well, let's just say that our costco trip turned into this huge fight and he almost cancelled the trip.. boy was he mad at me for "forcing" him to buy beer.. it's not as if i'm not going to pay him back.. but his point is it's just he principle if he's against people drink, why would he even for a second contribute to it by going through the actions of buying it.. so, after many hours of arguing and discussing the night before the trip.. we finally just came to our senses.. finally went from arguing to just putting aside my pride and just try to understand and listen.. i still didn't completely understand how it became such a huge fight, but at least i do understand his views.. and hopefully he understood mine.. he also felt that i chose "beer" to make my coworkers/friends happi over him.. so, that def. made me feel bad, which in a way does make some sense.. so, we apologized and i now know not to force him to buy any alcohol for me or my friends even though i'm paying him back.. but i can still buy my own beer.. which i did.. the great thing out of all this is, we got over it and still had a great time during our camping trip, with just the right amount of alcohol (maybe a tini bit less then some wanted) .. so, u can say many things good came out of something that started off as completely negative.. ;p

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you and C. had a good outcome from this disagreement! getting along when your don't agree is a good thing...
